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How To Wean A Baby When You Have A Toddler

Baby weaning can be a big enough task as it is, let alone when you also have a toddler who has recently developed a bigger personality, more opinions, and the ability to run! Learning to juggle caring for two little ones at once will happen differently for every parent, and eventually you’ll figure out what works for you. But, in the meantime, we asked our amazing community of Mamamates for their top tips on how to wean your baby with a toddler to look after too. Here’s what they said…

Toddler and baby weaning

Weaning with a toddler be a fun way to bond older sibling to baby! Why not try involving the toddler by giving them jobs? Getting wipes and muslins or helping to feed can make them feel important, keeps them occupied, and teaches them all about caring for their sibling (plus, it makes your life a little easier... everyone's a winner)!

As your toddler gets a little older, you might also let them start preparing the food with you. While you wouldn’t let them chop or touch anything hot, teaching them about the ingredients going into purées and baby finger foods will start them on their journey of understanding where food comes from and why nutritious ingredients are important.

Plan ahead! Why not try to tie baby weaning in with your toddlers food so you’re not making lots of different dinners.? If your toddler is having pasta with broccoli, you could cook a little extra broccoli for baby. Make sure to space this between milk feeds to avoid baby getting irritable and hungry.

Frozen toddler ready meals

Don’t have time to plan ahead? Stock up your freezer with Mamamade’s delicious toddler ready meals and snacks, or with purees and bites for baby led weaning. They can be prepared in minutes and are 100% organic, so you can be certain your little ones are getting the nutrients they need without compromising your precious time!

Pick a time of day to wean when you’re not rushed. Mamamate Jessica likes to do it about 30 mins before her two older kids eat, making sure they are occupied doing an activity or playing a game in the meantime so baby has her full attention!

The most important and well-resounding tip we heard was ‘don’t stress about it’. If baby is overwhelmed or your older ones are throwing a tantrum, there’s no shame in stopping and trying again later or the next day. All of your little ones need you to be healthy and happy in order to be healthy and happy themselves, so be sure to put your mental wellbeing first.

If you ever need to vent, share or ask for advice, you can do so over on our WhatsApp chat or Facebook group. We’re all here for one another and winging it together! We’ve got this!

Love, Sophie & Team Mamamade x

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