What My Toddler Eats In A Day
We are celebrating the launch of our brand new Toddler Meal & Snack Bundle with our Toddler Food Diary series, where we share what toddlers of parents within our community are eating on an average day.
Kicking off our Toddler Food Diary series, Mamamade founder Sophie Baron shares her family mealtime 'rules' and what her three and a half year old daughter Liba eats in a day.
Toddler Food Diaries - Liba, aged 3.5
A recap of what Liba - my 3.5 year old daughter - ate in a day. This post isn’t for comparison - appetite and preferences vary so much from child to child and day to day.
In general, these are my food rules for Liba:
- There are no rules (except for the few below).
- I decide when mealtime is, and what we’re having (apart from breakfast), and she decides how much.
- I always serve dessert alongside the main meal, and she never has to finish her plate.
- Mealtime is as low pressure as possible - she never has to eat.
- We don’t restrict sugar - only dyed foods, because it really affects her behaviour.
Breakfast, 7am

Liba picks her breakfast every day. The only rule is that she can’t ask for pancakes during the week (because who has time to make pancakes during the week?!). She asked for strawberries, dry cheerios, coconut yogurt with sprinkles (and I gave in because I am too tired to argue). She ate it all plus seconds on the strawberries.
Lunch - 12pm

Cheese and tomato quesadilla, avocado, black beans, clementine sections. Didn’t touch the black beans, had one bite of avocado, finished the quesadilla and orange.
Snack, 3.30pm

Mamamade Blueberry Muffin Bites in the buggy home from nursery. She ate them all 😂
Dinner, 5.30pm

Roasted potatoes, radishes and lentils with applesauce for dessert. Liba REALLY did not want this. She threw a hissy fit. But I tried to stay calm and explained this was dinner. I only put a small amount on her plate, to keep it from being too overwhelming. She ate her applesauce, then all her potatoes, then all the lentils. She didn’t touch the avocado.
Whether you've got a little foodie in the making or a toddler who never touches their broccoli, we'd love to hear your Toddler Food Diary in all it's glory!
We're not looking for Pinterest-perfect lunchbox masterpieces (well, unless that's your thing!) - we're looking for real parents with toddlers who are willing to share the truth of what their toddler eats in a week.
Email your submission into info@mamamadefood.com - we can't wait to hear from you! :)